



Outlines are only intended for students of the University of Manitoba Faculty of Law.
Outlines are only intended for study purposes and does not purport to provide legal advice of any kind.
Outlines are copyrighted to the respective authors.

Here are outlines that I've collected while I was at UM.  Melanie Rempel has also posted her own notes online and they can be reached at Melanie's LawNotes

I've noticed that the MLSA is now hosting outlines so I'm zipping up these old ones.  If you want 'em, you can download em all - hey, space is cheap nowadays ;)

If you've got outlines that you'd like to contribute or if there's broken links, email me at "esc <at> edchan.ca".  Best of luck!

Year One - 4.3Mb zipped file

Year Two - 6.3Mb zipped file

Year Three - 4.2Mb zipped file